Thursday, July 5, 2012

recu-Parenting - a way of life

This blog is for all parents who are recuperating from being a parent, a bit like being in rehab but learning to survive each day as a parent and having a big cheer at the end of each day that you all survived. You love your kids, you want your kids and would lay down your life for them, but let's face it, it's tough being a parent. The decisions you make each day will have some kind of impact and mostly you feel like you'll never get it right. All you can hope for your kids is that they turn out loving life and being good to others as well as themselves.

The main 2 rules in our hose are have fun but don't hurt yourself, anyone else or anything and number 2 if I ask you to do something you do it. How's that working out for us? It's a work in progress and I reserve the right to change my mind at any time....

So much has happened over the last year and I have only just started this blog after many promises to friends. One big move, one pregnancy, one child starting 2 different preschools, one new baby and now one big trip to the USA. The trip home is looming soon and I hope that the trip home will be like the trip over. Both kids behaved great, not bad for a 16 week old and 4 year old..... I was also on my own and dreading it, but miracle of miracles I survived as did everyone else!

So I'll post regularly and please feel free to comment, raise topics but let's get serious for a moment. Any nasty or abusive troll like comments, suggestions or general hideousness will be reported to those that need to know including if necessary the police. So let's play happy and be nice to each other. Life is too short to be nasty.

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