Friday, May 24, 2013

Love........the rustic baker

I am following the 5:2 diet where for those who don't know, you fast for 2 non-consecutive days of the week and feast the the rest of the week.  Each fast day you consume 500 calories for a woman or 600 if you're a man. It's only the second week and the fasts do get easier.

The Rustic Baker has been doing other things or using pre-prepared packs for easy baking so I knew I had to do some proper baking and not just adding eggs and oil! And it had to be today. Something to break my fast. Nothing wrong with pre-prepared mixes. Some are excellent. Maybe I'll review in future. 

But I miss baking. So last night I left a message for Jo Wheatley via Facebook asking what she'd make to break a fast. She came up with apple cake. So as usual I looked at the recipes in her books, chose a yummy one and then as Fleetwood Mac say "go your own way". So in homage to Jo's recipe of Blackberry and Apple Loaf Cake I made mine with cinnamon added to the crumble crust and cake base and then upped the numbers for each of the ingredients. I haven't baked for a while and normally  take samples for the lovely mums at school. So lets hope they like this one.

I also decided to bake a loaf of white & brown, Paul Hollywood style. At 8.20 this morning I was still kneading and we have to leave at around 8.30...... Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I am fast learning that when it comes to school there is always homework of some sort or another even for a Reception class. This is especially true if it is for extra curricular activities that occur on a Saturday. We've had a singing event and now the school is involved in a Bollywood-fest. Not that we will be there for the Bollywood march past on the weekend in question. But there is a catwalk show of sorts in the playground. 

So as usual the day before said event I am rushing around trying to find stuff for Oldest One to wear. All day. At school. 

What the hell does a boy wear as a Bollywood boy and why is it easier to dress a girl? Sparkly scarf and voila a sari. So amongst all the ideas which were hardly brilliant, I contemplated giving Oldest One a dirty t-shirt with the words in felt tip "slum dog millionaire" or a t-shirt with "slave labour made this" but rapidly decided that these were a political step too far. So I had a rummage in the dressing up box which is isn't a box at all but dressing up crap flung in all directions all over the house. Found a cloak I made for him last year. He looked like Frodo in it so decided that would do. I would make him an Indian Prince. Luckily the school obliged by having a sale and instead of digging out the sewing machine, I bought a ready made sequin shift top, reasoning that we would one day have a proper dressing up box and it could go in there. Found the superman belt and there it was, the basis of a good outfit. 

Next to the accessories. All Princes need to show their obvious wealth so I made a curved dagger, a crown of sorts and a cuff (Oldest One requested the cuff). It is amazing what cardboard, a toilet roll tube, gold paper plate, sellotape and a bunch of glued on plastic gems can do. We are the epitome of Blue Peter in our house. I am quietly chuffed with myself. 

Of course, Oldest One upon spying the dagger immediately said "Can I fight with that dagger?" Oh dear, not quite the Bollywood spirit..... I forsee plastic gems flying about all over the playground. 

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Love or Loathe.......Baker and Gray

Well I spotted this gorgeous place on my travels into Notting Hill. It can be found on Chepstow Road and is full of delicious items. The area is a great to explore and you find lovely shops with unique items. Baker and Gray showcases incredible embroidery and sumptuous fabrics. I absolutely love the embroidery style of Beetle Road.

Take a look at the website. Enjoy.